- Marienthal
the house of the prophet
Tuesday, 26 August 1851. In the afternoon we travelled to Marienthal to meet Friedrich Froebel. He was training kindergarten teachers in front of the house; together they were performing the actions as they sang:
"Do you want to know, how a farmer sows the oats?
See so in such a way, see so in such a way,
This is how a farmer sows all the oats."
We are welcomed by a lively, energetic, seventy year old Froebel, who welcomes us and explains his approach to education. It is distinctive and derives from his own character. The cause is good and intelligible, and will flourish with or without his name.
Karl August Varnhagen von Ense
Dienstag, den 26. August 1851. [...] Nachmittags Fahrt nach Marienthal zu Friedrich Froebel. Die lernenden Kindergaertnerinnen vor dem Hause; Gesang: "Wollt ihr wissen, wie der Bauer seinen Hafer aussaet? Sehet so so, sehet so so, sä't der Bauer seinen Hafer wohl aus." Froebel, siebzigjaehrig, voll Geist und Feuer, setzt sich mit uns hin, und erklaert seine Erziehungsweise. Das Auffallende daran wird durch die Eigenart des Mannes gemaessigt, die Sache ist gut und verstaendlich, und wird gedeihen, mit oder ohne seinen Namen.
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Surrounded by old green trees, Marienthal was a pleasant building of two stories. On one side were very beautiful old lindens, which in flowering time spread their fragrance far and wide.
Friedrich Froebel died at Marinthal on 21 June 1852.